Thursday, August 19, 2010


My father is probably this blog's biggest fan. I get plaintive phone calls when I haven't updated in a few days. It's pretty cute. I'm not the only one who things my dad is awesome though, Leila grins from ear to ear when he comes in the room. Here she's all curled about and about to fall asleep at the breakfast table.

Friday, August 13, 2010

auntie manders

Amanda is getting married tomorrow.

One of my first memories of Amanda is her explaining why she'd broken up with her ex, "he just didn't read you know? I couldn't handle it." I totally knew. The love of your life has to read. You have to be able to talk about books. It's one of the greatest joys in life. I'm so happy Amanda found herself a wonderful book loving, baby friendly, charming eccentric in Matthew.

And for the record, when your friends have a baby take a page out of Amanda and Matthew's book and come over with: enough stew for three meals, rolls, salad and homemade salad dressing, corn chips and dip. Oh and pizza to eat that night. Yeah, they pretty much rule.

Here's to the two of you, your generosity and warmth make the world a kinder place.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

missing: one psychedelic elephant

Leila's blue plush elephant with orange plastic ears is missing! This travesty occurred because I foolishly allowed her to take him on a walk with us after she protested loudly when I removed him from her hands. He is probably somewhere on the sidewalk between our house and Hastings and Nanaimo.

Blue elephant is a delicate creature prone to singing nonsense songs about rainbows and diamonds in the sky with his hippopotamus girlfriend called Lucy. He lives entirely on a diet of baby drool and by now is probably very hungry.

If you see this elephant approach softly he is quite small and easily frightened by non-babies.

Reward offered for his replacement or retrieval. Brethren available at Ikea for 99 cents.

The only known photo of Mr. Blue Elephant with a very sad Leila 
(note that even in the depths of despair she is still clinging to him).

coffee angst

So I've been trying to drink coffee again. Aside from one brief foray months ago when sleep deprivation got the better of me, I've been off it since I found out I was pregnant. I love coffee. But I am currently sitting here three hours after having half a cup and my stomach is twisting itself into the most awfulest of knots and I feel a little bit like a kid who borrowed her friend's ritalin. Ugg, I'm totally going to be one of those decaf drinking moms. Gross.

Monday, August 9, 2010

half a year with you

Dear Leila,

Tomorrow you will be six months old. It really feels like a long time, and not just because I've barely slept. You're really your own person now. You smile all the time and you're laughing more and more everyday. People keep commenting on what a happy baby you are, it's wonderful. You and your dad are getting along better too. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see the big smiles you give him when he gets home from work.

To say that you were a demanding baby doesn't even come close to explaining what the first six months were like.  But now, now I feel like you genuinely love me. You curl your chubby little arms around me when I'm holding you, and reach out for me when you want to be picked up. You giggle and bury your head in my chest when I tickle you.

These instances don't really do justice to the change that's taken place over the past couple of months.  There were nights when I would stare out at the water after you'd gone to bed wondering how this had happened. How we'd ended up here, the three of us each seemingly lost and inconsolable. But now you wake up burbling to yourself instead of crying, you splash in your bath instead of wailing, and in return we love you with the kind of love you feel when you know it is being returned.

